Just adopted a cat? Learn what care to take

Just adopted a cat? Learn what care to takeJust adopted a cat? Learn what care to take. Illustration: Petepop

The idea of having a pet has become increasingly popular among Brazilians during quarantine. According to a survey by Google Trends, in June there was a 33% increase in interest in adopting cats. If you are one of those who has just adopted a cat, learn what care to take with the tips from Marcio Barboza, veterinarian and pet technical manager at MSD Animal Health.

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“Remember that adopting a pet comes with great responsibilities, including investments and care. Cats also need attention to health, fun, food, hygiene, and affection,” warns the expert.

Health care

Like all pets, kittens need routine visits to the vet for health check-ups and disease prevention guidance. Additionally, cats are at risk of being infected by fleas, which can be brought into the house by their owners.

“It’s very important for the pet owner to use a product that’s easy to apply, long-lasting, and effective. Fleas proliferate in the environment, so using a product with these characteristics will clean the environment and protect the cat and the whole family,” explains Marcio Barboza.

Safety and transportation accessories

A collar, ID tag, and transport box are essential items for your cat’s safety. We know cats are quick, so it’s important to include your home information on the collar, and invest in proper equipment to ensure safe travel.


Cats clean themselves with their tongues and don’t require frequent baths. However, the litter box deserves special attention. Unlike dogs, cats don’t need to be taught where to go to the bathroom.

“These animals are very picky about where they do their business, so it’s important to always keep it clean. First-time owners will need a litter box, litter, and a scoop. The litter should be changed once a week,” explains the vet.


Cats also play and need space to scratch and sharpen their nails. To prevent your cat from scratching furniture and curtains, use scratching posts, which will keep your pet entertained. These products come in all sizes and prices.


Fresh water is essential, and avoid giving them milk, as it can cause diarrhea in some cats. When it comes to food, the best option is specific cat food.

No to abandonment

In addition to all the care your cat needs, Marcio Barboza emphasizes: “It’s important to think about the pet after quarantine ends, as abandonment is a major concern. When everything returns to normal, the cat will remain part of the family, so it’s essential to assess whether you can continue to take care of the animal.”

This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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